The Ministry of Urban and Rural Development, in collaboration with the Kavango East Regional Council provides assistance to businesses in the region, through its Rural Development and Income Generating Projects.
Businesses must be specializing in the following areas:
Brick making projects, agricultural farming projects, fish farming projects, small scale mining projects, wood carving, catering, tailoring, poultry projects, gardening, rearing projects, knitting, basket making, shoe making, pottery projects.
Minimum financing volume: N$5 000
Maximum financing volume: N$13 000
Application procedure:
Contact the Kavango East Regional Council, Directorate: Planning and Development early in the year.
For more information:
Maria Mwengere Road, Government Office Park, Rundu
Or visit any Local Constituency Offices in the Kavango East Region.
All enquiries must be directed to the Director of Planning and Development.
Chief Regional OfficerMr. Ludwig ThikushoEmail:
Governor: Hon. Bonifatius Wakudumo
Chairperson: Hon. Damian Maghambayi
Tel: 066-266000Fax: 066-255036
Private Bag 2124RUNDU