Research has indicated that Namibians lack financial knowledge, understanding and management. Even those employed and earning a regular income have been forced to reside in poverty-stricken circumstances due to a lack of financial literacy. Because of these results, the Financial Literacy Initiative (FLI) introduced its Financial Workplace Wellness Program. The FLI believes that one’s financial wellness is just as important as one’s physical and psychological wellness, hence the effort to support employees at any level to gain financial knowledge and consequently financial stability and wellness.
The FLI Financial Workplace Wellness Program targets employees in the public and private sectors, including SME organizations. The Financial Workplace Wellness Program uses the options of Training-of-Trainers or “Training-of-Peer Educators” approach as well as a FLI session-approach. The trained Peer Educators conduct the different training modules/sessions with their colleagues. The training of trainers (ToT) is so that there is potential to reach larger numbers of people.
Another approach is when FLI will conduct regular sessions with staff members. These sessions are bi-weekly, weekly, monthly, or even once-off. The FLI also maintains an M&E framework which is updated monthly and is designed to provide feedback to the company or organization implementing the Wellness Program.